Tuesday, October 28, 2008

You gotta love Halloween!

Okay. So this past week we went with my parents to there trunk or treat! I must say it was a good time. A we went there for my mom's chili cookoff B to laugh at them and C I wouldn't miss them looking like idiots for the world! And Sam and Sam were in a pie eating contest and my little brother Sam won just by a little bit.... They were both good sports! I need to teach them a thing or 2. I was in a pie eating contest at the State fair one year and YES I DID WIN EVEY ONE!


Okay, I finally got a way to put pictures on my computer from my camrera. I didn't know that the computer I have has a place that fits mine and Sam's memory cards... SILLY ME! All this time and I finally got SMART! So here are a few random photos that I have on my camera!! ENJOY! Here are some pictures of our Honeymoon in Hawaii...


6 Quirks

I have got tagged a couple of times with this one and haven't done it yet so here it goes.
1. After I do the dishes I have to wash my hands even if my hands have been in soap the entire time I still have to do it.
2. Right before I get into bed I go to the bathroom even if I just went and don't need to go I will still go anyway right before I get into bed.
3. I get ready in the same order everytime. It will never change.
4.I will check to make sure the door is locked at least twice a night. I will check to see if I did something more then once just to make sure. Even though I know I did it.
5.I make Sam call me as soon as he gets to work to make sure he got there ok.
6.If I want something. I have to have it right then and there. Even if I dont need it right then. If I am going to get it I have to get it then. Example I found the baby carrier I want. I know I dont need it for like 7 more months and It will just get in the way but I have to have it.

That is a hard one. I cant think of quirks I am sure all of you know more quirks I have then I do. I am oblivious to a lot of things.